Thursday, 27 June 2013

Team BBSS, the photos

Five team BBSS and Gareth who we adopted! 

Two more team BBSS who finished a bit before us! 

Now you know what we all look like!

Here be dragons

So four days on and thinking back I already feel like some old world adventurer telling tales of daring do. It's surprising and wonderful the respect people have given to myself and my team mates for what we did over the weekend.

 When you're sitting in a damp marquee at one am crying from pure tiredness and trying to decide where the energy will come from to get you through the night walk it feels like a very big thing but here today, though it feels hard enough on my aching calves and blistered toes, it feels like a very small thing to so for those young people who would otherwise be spending a night on the streets or selling themselves just to have a bed for the night. So what I'm a bit stiff, I'll get over it I'm alive and able to take care of myself and for that I'm thankful. 

I want to say a word about Linda. She tore a muscle in her back weeks before we set off and I told her I'd stick with her as far as she could walk always at her pace. I have to tell you it was a 50-50 split on the encouragement and she got me across the line as much as I did her. 

What strikes me about the whole event is  not the feat or the endurance but the people. It takes a special kind of person to undertake this kind of thing meaning those we met who cheered us on, shared our stories and gave each other so much. You need food? Water? Plasters? A torch, a buddy, pacemaker, company to the next rest stop? All freely given and gratefully accepted. The most commonly heard word this weekend was thanks. 

Those last few metres onto the track, down a set of stairs no less, were harsh. Cruel and unusual punishment but we made it. A big thank you to our supporters for carrying our bags the last few metres, fro putting up with the swearing and staggering incoherence and for forgiving us anyway and taking us home to look after. 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The feet.....After Shot

Sorry I was slightly incoherent yesterday evening but after about ten hours sleep I'm feeling much better. I'm still stiff and will no doubt be making liberal use of massage and ice packs for a day or two.

These two faithful puppies were severely mistreated over the last two days but thanks to the most amazing Red Cross staff and sports therapy students from various universities we were all patched up and pummelled to the finish line. My special thanks to Linda, we kept each other going and crossed the line together.

Was it with it? Well every painful km was worth about £7 for the Albert Kennedy Trust (sponsorship is still open for a month or to, go on you know you want to) which means that over the course of 100k that's just less than 50 nights I've helped keep someone off the streets. I'm sure there are more reflections to come and I will update you. Now I'm going back to sleep then a warm bath. Ahh! 

Arrived Sheffield 31 hours 30 minutes.

Yes that's all it took for me and my chum
Linda of team BBSS to cross the finishing line.we were not last that honour goes to Tom and his daughter from Nottingham. We were pretty late in though but our loyal support was there in force.

Yes I made it. Champagne . Check. T shirt. Check. Medal. Check. 

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Lasta Pasta

Eating for the walking. It's all about the carbs this week. The estimate is over 6000 calories burned over the full challenge so don't judge me. 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Final preparations and team talk

Some of us met this morning. Apparently I'm not the only one who's worried. One of our number hurt her back in a roller coaster accident, another has a knee injury. One more is a marathon runner who can't seem to slow down! The plan is to meet the night before for a meal then bright and early for a seven am check in! There will be few photos on the day but if you want to track my progress I'll be using map my tracks on the day. 
Thanks again for the money already given and still to come. X

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Poles apart

If you wondered what I was going to do for core fitness today it was an hour or so  and three and a half miles with Nordic poles. Legs fine, arms aching. That's the plan every day for the rest of the week until I head into Manchester to meet team BBSS! 

Scan the code for my just giving page. 

A week away

Woke up this morning (de der de dah *blues riff*) with the realisation that if all goes to plan this time next week team Big Breaths Small Steps will be heading towards the Don Valley Stadium to complete our walk. Do I feel ready? Not really but I'm as ready as I'm gonna get. 
This is to be a week of short walks and final preparations. Jerky is being dried, blisters healed, my rucsac is packed and overnight stays at either end booked. 
Supporters are welcome at certain stops along the route (though not all) and definitely at the end so if you felt the need to cheer please do. 
I'll post some last minute photos and some from the walk itself but not as we are walking as we have to save phone battery unless you know if a solar charger for an iPhone five? 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Massage to you?

I noticed this morning that my hairdresser and general beauty consultant's (don't laugh  even i need my hair cut) place The Penthouse in Ormskirk had a late opening for a hot stone massage. I just had to book it. I almost fell asleep on the table! They did say if I can't make it up the stairs after next weekends walk (8 days! When did that happen) they would arrange to have me carried up for another massage.'s upstairs. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Halfway there...

Not a line from a Bon Jovi song but accompanied by a Bon Jovi fan (the wonderful Michael Fowler Personal Trainer) today was the final long walk. 7.30 am through to 5.30 pm, or there abouts. 
Approx 27 miles non stop. Well, we had 20 minutes for lunch. Meols Cop, round Churchtown, coast road out to Formby Point back via Ainsdale and Birkdale. 
The last mile was kicker as we passed a shop selling recliners at that point. I have one blister! (Sorry to the squeamish to impose that on you) 
Today I covered over 40 km. that's damn near half what I'll have to do in ten days or so. Tonight is a warm bath, some food and a small glass of red.
A million thanks for the sponsorship. I have beaten my £400 target but don't let that stop you! 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Slip, slap, slop!

In preparedness for the weather staying as it had been today I took a quick jaunt into town in search of ridiculous head actually in search of sun protective head gear. This hat, though labelled as the latter, appears to be the former. My pretty red neck hopes it works! 

Last minute hitches?

So this was planned  as the team building long hike. One of our number put her back out (on a roller coaster I believe) and a couple of the others made their excuses so just lonesome me again. I'm off to the beach to work on my hill climbing muscles. 
Our numbers and check in info arrives yesterday and this is all getting a bit real. If anyone still hasn't sponsored me but would like to please go to Just Giving and search for Ursula Curwen. 
The Albert Kennedy Trust shouldn't be needed in the 21st century but it really still is. When this country is claimed as caring and righteous by some who then damn gay marriage and would see teenagers having to turn tricks to get a bed for the night just because they're gay. Where's the compassion on that? (Flame over) do take a look at what the Trust do and take the time to put even five pounds into my fundraising. That's not even three cappuccinos! 
More photos later. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Twenty three four zero that's my number

This arrived today! Two weeks from now I will be eight hours into the challenge (it's about four in the afternoon). One more long hike later this week then it's short walks and pasta all the way to the start line. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


I just thought you should see the damage I've done to my toenails.

Sunday, 2 June 2013


I have to admit I'm worried about the impending challenge. I feel underprepared especially when I hear what my team mates have been doing this week. Then again I know I've some more than others. 
This has been an emotionally challenging week and I've let the physical training slip. Next week back on track. 
Thanks again for your support and sponsorship. 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Bank holiday blues

This has been a tough week. Can't say why but I missed posting about my walk on Bank Holiday Monday. Just a quick 3-4 miles to meet an old friend for coffee and the same back. 
I realised almost immediately that I had properly damaged my toenails through my feet swelling on the long Sunday walk without breaks. I limped to MbarK for coffee and did not refuse a lift home in the rain, my waterproof started leaking. 
I did manage to bag a bargain jacket later in the afternoon though. 
Today one team mate returned from holiday and two more are off on a ten hour yomp. Me? I'm going shopping for food. Maybe tomorrow.