Monday 15 July 2013

Almost there

Not the walking, that bit is done. The fund raising. I have almost collected every penny  promised. A couple if colleagues are on holiday but once the dust has settled and the gift aid is added you wonderful people have given almost £1000. Of course it would be great to break the grand but I really cannot thank you enough. That's a lot of nights safe and warm for a significant number of young LGBT+ people. Thank you.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Post strollmatic toe disorder?

Had the dressings off my toes today. One toenail gone three to go I reckon. I still can't quite believe what we did, or how much we raised between us (which is somewhere around 3.5 grand) for our various charities. My toes will heal. We are already talking about another challenge for next year and hopefully a few lives have been improved by our efforts. 
If you still owe me money I need it ASAP (19th July) I'm getting round to you all as quick as I can. Now.....I have a holiday to plan.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Team BBSS, the photos

Five team BBSS and Gareth who we adopted! 

Two more team BBSS who finished a bit before us! 

Now you know what we all look like!

Here be dragons

So four days on and thinking back I already feel like some old world adventurer telling tales of daring do. It's surprising and wonderful the respect people have given to myself and my team mates for what we did over the weekend.

 When you're sitting in a damp marquee at one am crying from pure tiredness and trying to decide where the energy will come from to get you through the night walk it feels like a very big thing but here today, though it feels hard enough on my aching calves and blistered toes, it feels like a very small thing to so for those young people who would otherwise be spending a night on the streets or selling themselves just to have a bed for the night. So what I'm a bit stiff, I'll get over it I'm alive and able to take care of myself and for that I'm thankful. 

I want to say a word about Linda. She tore a muscle in her back weeks before we set off and I told her I'd stick with her as far as she could walk always at her pace. I have to tell you it was a 50-50 split on the encouragement and she got me across the line as much as I did her. 

What strikes me about the whole event is  not the feat or the endurance but the people. It takes a special kind of person to undertake this kind of thing meaning those we met who cheered us on, shared our stories and gave each other so much. You need food? Water? Plasters? A torch, a buddy, pacemaker, company to the next rest stop? All freely given and gratefully accepted. The most commonly heard word this weekend was thanks. 

Those last few metres onto the track, down a set of stairs no less, were harsh. Cruel and unusual punishment but we made it. A big thank you to our supporters for carrying our bags the last few metres, fro putting up with the swearing and staggering incoherence and for forgiving us anyway and taking us home to look after. 

Sunday 23 June 2013

The feet.....After Shot

Sorry I was slightly incoherent yesterday evening but after about ten hours sleep I'm feeling much better. I'm still stiff and will no doubt be making liberal use of massage and ice packs for a day or two.

These two faithful puppies were severely mistreated over the last two days but thanks to the most amazing Red Cross staff and sports therapy students from various universities we were all patched up and pummelled to the finish line. My special thanks to Linda, we kept each other going and crossed the line together.

Was it with it? Well every painful km was worth about £7 for the Albert Kennedy Trust (sponsorship is still open for a month or to, go on you know you want to) which means that over the course of 100k that's just less than 50 nights I've helped keep someone off the streets. I'm sure there are more reflections to come and I will update you. Now I'm going back to sleep then a warm bath. Ahh! 

Arrived Sheffield 31 hours 30 minutes.

Yes that's all it took for me and my chum
Linda of team BBSS to cross the finishing line.we were not last that honour goes to Tom and his daughter from Nottingham. We were pretty late in though but our loyal support was there in force.

Yes I made it. Champagne . Check. T shirt. Check. Medal. Check.