Sunday 23 June 2013

The feet.....After Shot

Sorry I was slightly incoherent yesterday evening but after about ten hours sleep I'm feeling much better. I'm still stiff and will no doubt be making liberal use of massage and ice packs for a day or two.

These two faithful puppies were severely mistreated over the last two days but thanks to the most amazing Red Cross staff and sports therapy students from various universities we were all patched up and pummelled to the finish line. My special thanks to Linda, we kept each other going and crossed the line together.

Was it with it? Well every painful km was worth about £7 for the Albert Kennedy Trust (sponsorship is still open for a month or to, go on you know you want to) which means that over the course of 100k that's just less than 50 nights I've helped keep someone off the streets. I'm sure there are more reflections to come and I will update you. Now I'm going back to sleep then a warm bath. Ahh! 

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